Covid 19 Clinical Risk Assessment

In line with advice from Public Health England, the General Osteopathic Council and the Institute of Osteopathy, this risk assessment for Covid-19 is to determine any risks a patient may incur arriving, being assessed, treated, making payment and departing the clinic in addition to any usage of washroom facilities.
Up to 24 hours before appointments, patients will receive either a phone call or SMS text to determine whether they have any of the following:
1) a high temperature
2) a new, continuous cough
3) a loss of, or change to, your sense of smell or taste
Any patients exhibiting the above symptoms will be advised to call 111 and to self-isolate for 7 days from the onset of symptoms. If they are living with someone that has developed these symptoms but they themselves haven't, they will be advised to self isolate for 14 days from the onset of when the first person in their home started having symptoms.
Patients will also be asked if they are in the moderate or higher risk category from coronavirus. If you are unsure, please check here:
Patients in the moderate risk category will be treated at discretion.
In addition to screening for suitability to osteopathic treatment, I have implemented a number of measures to reduce the risk of the spread of Covid-19:
1) allowing 30 minutes in between appointments to allow for cleaning of doorbells, door handles, chairs, clinic plinth and any other surfaces a patient may have contacted
2) the discontinuation of a cotton plinth and pillow cover in favour of a wipeable plastic pillow and disposable plinth paper.
3) the use of the appropriate Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) to include a water resistant Type II mask and disposable nitrile gloves.
This risk assessment is subject to change as further guidance is provided by the relative governing bodies. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to get in touch.